Day 10: Natural Building & Soap Making

    Throughout the day we had different activities that helped us to develop different skills for working and learning from the earth, and therefore we created objects that can be used for architecture and personal use like soap. We started the day by waking up and going to a class where then we were introduced to new members of Rancho Mastatal, where they showed and asked us about the knowledge that we had when regarding natural elements for creating buildings. Once we had our small conversation, we proceeded to work with clay, sand, and straw among other elements that are found in the soil for creating adobe breaks. We mixed and used a shovel to retreat the materials needed. We were separated into two groups where we changed the activities throughout the day when regarding this class.

    Once we finished with the class, we then moved to how to create a natural soap with our hands from natural and original materials found in the place. The class consisted of a small introduction to what we needed to use for soap and how the negative impacts can occur when letting companies use their advantage to get revenue without carrying about the healthiness and approval of the product. That is the moment when then we moved on with how to process and create with different chemical reactions the soap that we were needing for then creating and giving it a powerful but creative design to it. 

    The day moved on with some more open activities that were basically going again to the waterfall and then around 4 pm to go to play some soccer with the locals. The day passed by and we went to take a hike in the night that was beautiful and helpful for connecting alongside each other. Then we took dinner and we went to bed, hoping for a new and interesting day for the last moments in Costa Rica. The activities that we had during the past few days, helped us to gather and create new and innovative experiences that helped us to develop a new awareness when regarding the process of creating these objects. We believe that this day will help us in the future when looking at these regular materials that are usual in our life. 


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